Travel: Aiken to Savannah Travelogue/Missive
3:10 am
My goodness! Nearly a half an hour late. tsk tsk. That would never have been permitted in sunny CA. I just caught the 2:40 am bus from Aiken, SC to Columbia — at nearly 3:10 am. Even Mussolini made the trains run on time . . . How firm a foundation, ye saints of the Lord, is laid for your faith in His excellent Word.
4:50 am (ex post facto)
That was interesting! A thirty-one-year-old black man
(please don't take this as racism, but merely reporting!), who I have
the slightest suspicion is “not all there” just came up and
started talking to me. I was working on my computer at the time,
teaching myself cascading style sheets. I use PageSpinner for my web design, and even my weblog
posts (I post by email, mostly, and don't have any other way to preview
posts), and it has a great learn-by-example section. I do seem to
digress often, do I not? Anyway, he was talking to me, I was
nodding and "mm-hmm"ing while I worked. The reason I suspect his
faculties is that he didn't seem in the slightest to notice what I was
doing (i.e. not giving him my undivided attention).
7:30 am (ex post facto)
I don't know how I did it, but I got a good three
hours of sleep on that bus. Twisting, curling, etc., etc., but I slept.
Once I woke up, however, I couldn't get back to sleep. Back to
CSS . . . My CSS learning project is going to be a
deliberate creative work in its own right: poetry in which each word
(or at least many words) link(s) to another poem. It's going to be one
of those midget site-in-a-square type of artsy things.
12:11 pm
As I write this (and the previous two posts),
Savannah begins doing her best to drench my computer and I. I had
better post this and be off.
Crosspost: Random Quill and Scraps
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