Travel: Solomon's -or- Soda Fountain Bloodlines
And the place where I now sit, the Gryphon Tea Room, has a little personal history of its own — it and the Armoury across the way. You see, Harry is a "Savannian", as he puts it, throughly and thoroughly. That's where the history comes in.
The Gryphon was once — and not too long past — Solomon's Drug Store, owned by the old Savannah family, aptly enough, the Solomons. This was one generation ago. Another generation past (Harry's parents) Solomon's was still here; but the generation prior to that (his grandparents) drank their sodas at Solomon's four blocks North.
Three generations of Harrys, growing up at Chatham County High School, going to Solomon's for sodas with their sweethearts, and dancing their graduations at the Armoury. (See? I told you the Armoury was part of it.)
And here I sit, paying nine dollars and twenty-eight cents for a potful (or two, since I got some more water) of good white tea and three of the best cinnamon-pecan scone (none of these Starbucks things pretending to be scones) that Victoria probably never could have gotten; with the old soda fountain (which looks oddly like a four-poster bed missing its curtains), converted to a platform at which you might hold a high tea, staring at me from the mirror.
Cannonballs, soda jerks, and nervous, giggling, uncultured (oh, it makes me sick to think of it!) high schoolers — now mostly tourists and pseudo-artistes telling themselves they're cultured.
My goodness! How will I be able to eat potato chips and pretzels after this?
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